Why monitor your car park occupancy?
On average, 30% of spaces remain unused in a company without a defined policy.
Stay informed about the real-time status of your car park: number of free parking spaces by category ( Electric Vehicles, Reduced-mobility, Car sharing, VIPs, Visitors).
Access the occupation rate of parking spaces by category: ( Electric Vehicles, Persons with reduced mobility, Car sharing, Management, Visitors).
Stay informed about the number of illegally parked cars and associated parking spaces in real-time.
Display a map of empty and occupied parking spaces.
Qu’attendre de la solution Smart Parking ?
Detection reliability higher than 99% thanks to its optical sensor.
A luminous, multi-coloured indicator to manage the status of parking spaces in a dynamic way.
Radio solution requiring no wiring at the parking spaces.
Eco-responsible solution by managing the lighting of the indicators according to the needs.