In the food and beverage industry, the margin of error is minimal.
When it comes to complying with strict industry regulations, monitoring line downtime, or accurately tracing your products in case of recall, you cannot afford to rely on outdated and inefficient processes in your factory.
DECIDE4ACTION enables you to take full control of the food and beverage production process. Our comprehensive range of products can transform your operations by eliminating manual entry and conducting agile, automated data analysis along the way.
No matter the most pressing issues for your factory, DECIDE4ACTION’s extensive product range has a solution to meet your needs.
Monitor and closely analyze production line downtimes

PRODUCTION4ACTION, our advanced production line monitoring system, combines cutting-edge hardware and software to collect the most accurate data possible on the lines.
This data is processed and transferred to our secure database where it can be analyzed by our intuitive software – both on a large display screen for production employees and in our management dashboard.
Streamline and automate the recording and management of your laboratory data.
Our cutting-edge laboratory information management system allows teams to move the entire process of information collection, decision-making, calculation, review, and dissemination to the workplace, expanding the laboratory’s analytical

A 100% product verification guarantee

QUALITY4ACTION allows you to improve consistency and traceability, avoid errors and waste, identify potential issues as early as possible, and ensure perfect product compliance every time.
By fully automating your quality control process, you can save time and resources while guaranteeing a product that meets your expectations.